RICHARD! Yes. Yes to all of this. So well stated and I could not agree more. Sharing.

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I am humbled and bow to the better writer. Thanks!!

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Not bad, but I always *sigh* deeply when the “I don’t like Trump either but..” disclaimer comes out. Why do you feel the need to make that declaration?

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I do this for two reasons. First is that I really feel this way. I never cared for Trump. His personality was off-putting to me and I did not like his over-the-top self-promotion with naming all things Trump and making hyperbolic claims about himself and his accomplishments. I have since come to accept that this is who he is. I also did not like his personal life and cringed at his crudeness at times, not to mention his "grab 'em by the pussy" locker room talk that I thought we all outgrew in high school. The second reason is that anyone who supports Trump in any way is immediately put into the MAGA camp of Trump worshipers, which I definitely am not. Despite all of that, I am able to separate Trump the imperfect man from Trump the President who was a bulwark against the forces aligned against our country- the Obama's, Clinton's, Pelosi's, Shiff's, AOC's, TLaib's, and others. I liked nearly everything he did from moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, dropping the Iran deal, telling NATO members to pony up their fair share, putting China in notice, revising the tax code, getting out of the Paris climate accords, securing the border, securing the Abraham accord, nd his appointments to the SCOTUS. It was amazing he did all this in the face of relentless attacks from the left. Hmm. Maybe I like him more than I think.......................

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Fair points, thank you for your reply. The whole MAGA thing is overblown. Sure there are a few zealots, but the dehumanizing, divisive image endlessly regurgitated by the media as viewed through the arrogant lense of self-anointed elites and their wannabe lemmings is a caricature. And thanks to RFKjr and Ms. Shanahan, if MAGA doesn't suit you, perhaps MAGAHA will, Make America Great AND Healthy Again!

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“In the debate, Harris was inpressively poised. She was attractive and exuded youthful vigor. She appeared confident and was, dare I say, likeable. “

This will be the basis for many a vote. Notice the absence of policy. And here we are marching to a global conflagrations.

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Great essay. I happen to like Trump but liking him has nothing in the world to do with the fact that I will cast my vote for him.

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I think you are correct about her-whose-name-I-refuse-to-utter. But, please, sir … the usage should be “Democrat Party, democrat machine, democrat candidate, democrat proposal,” etc. There is nothing “democratic” about those entities. I refer you to Rush Limbaugh, who taught me a thing or two.

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Thank you for not only tying together the last 4…no 8… no 12 years of the political landscape in this country … and the last 2 months, so succinctly…

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Very well-done, thank you.

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Well done! Well done! 👏🏼

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Thanks Rick! If anyone is still confused, you rationally walk them through so they too can see who the real wizard is behind the curtain. Keep the articles coming.

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